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Tutorial - Flip&Win
Updated over a week ago


This instant-win mechanic is a cross between our flagship game, Click&Win, and our image feature, FlipCard. It's a quick and easy to set up module: users are invited to click on one or more elements to find out instantly if they win a reward or not.

This allows to highlight content, visuals while having an interactive side with the user and triggering rewards. Moreover, this mechanism can be diverted into a simple highlighting of products without triggering rewards but by inviting the user to click on his favorite products! Everything is explained here.


Before configuring your campaign, you will need to have created the different graphic elements required. To begin, please consult this page which will give you access to all the essential information for the graphic creation of your campaign: Create the graphics of your games. You can download all the elements for your module (standard size) in this pack including a graphic manual + 1 PSD file with standard dimensions:

Page setup

First, click on New Campaign and select the Flip And Win mechanic. You will then find yourself in the campaign editor with the 6 steps of this mechanic: Home (optional), Form, Flip And Win, and the Won, Lost and Already Played pages.

You can also, if you wish, add a teasing page and/or an end of campaign page. Don't forget to set up your campaign settings now, including campaign dates and important rules and privacy policy.

Background images setup

Upload your desktop background image by clicking on the "+" icon in 'Background picture'.

To learn about the graphics specifications of the background image for this module, please refer to the "Game Design" section of this article.

You also have the option of adding a single background color that will surround your game pages - you can leave the basic color or choose to standardize your campaign with a color that reminds the users of your brand or game pages, for example.

Game settings

Number of participations: define the number of participations per day, week, month or campaign and per user, then create and select your "Already Played" page. If the user tries to play again, they will be taken directly to this page. We recommend a setting of 1 entry/day to encourage the user to return to your campaign regularly.

Uniqueness of winners: this option allows you to choose the number of rewards that can potentially be won by the same user on your campaign, via the instant win(s) that it includes. See our dedicated article for more information.

Result pages: you have to define your "winning" and "losing" pages: one or the other will be displayed instantly once the image(s) is (are) returned, depending on the distribution or not of a reward.

Important: an authentication (by email, SSO login, social network login,...) of the user is mandatory to access the winning page of an Instant Win.

Customizing the appearance

Ex :

Winning visual :

Visual with the reward if the toggle is activated:

Visuals to be displayed: these are the image(s) that will appear directly on the game screen in a recto version.

You can add a maximum of 10!

Number of cards to turn over: define here the number of visuals that the user will have to turn over (from 1 to 10).

Display the rewarrd on the winning visual: if you activate this toggle, the visual of the won reward will come dynamically in the middle of the winning visual (see below).

Winner/Loser visuals: define here your visuals that will be losers and others that will be winners. The winning visual will be displayed when a reward is available.

Note that you can integrate the visual of the endowment dynamically if you check the toggle (see above + example in image on the left).

Customize animations:

Appearance of visuals: you can activate different effects that will be activated when the page appears:

  • Fade in

  • Enlargement

  • Bounce

Flipped card animation: you can also give effects to the flipping of the card:

  • Flip right or left

  • Flip up or down

  • Flip Diagonal right or left

  • Flip Diagonal right or left reversed

You can freely resize each image directly in the editor via the mouse or your pad!

Preview of the cards animation

By clicking on the "Play" buttons next to each animation you will be able to access the preview of the card animations:

Rewards setup

The Flip And Win module requires a standard rewards setup. If you have not yet set up endowments on your campaign, follow this link.

Flip And Win in "Flip & Like" mode

As mentioned in the introduction, this mechanism can be diverted into a highlighting of items with the main goal of knowing what the user prefers in this listing of products, visuals. For this, some configuration options change, here is what to do!

In the settings:

  • Remove the uniqueness of the winners. Indeed, since the goal is not to distribute rewards, you will no longer have the notion of winner / loser and therefore no need to activate uniqueness.

  • Keep your Winner and Loser pages. It is necessary to have 2 different pages in your course to respect the logic of security rules but your content within these 2 pages can be similar. Your users will not win any rewards and will only access the Lost page!

In the appearance customization:

  • Predefine the number of visuals the user will have to click on to get to the result page. Ex: 3 if you want a Top3 of visuals!

  • Uncheck the toggle "Display the reward on the winning visual". Not necessary since there will be no rewarrds distributed.

  • Put an identical visual on the Winner and Loser visuals !

Display the elements chosen by the user thanks to dynamic images:

  • Adding the dynamic image widget allows you to display on a page the visual that the user has previously clicked on when playing Flip & Win.

  • Go to the Media section to add a dynamic image. Drag and drop the % Dynamic widget.

  • Then click on the visual to set the dynamic image. Choose the image associated with the page and the image to display.

  • It is possible to add several dynamic image widgets.

You will then be able to easily find the most "liked" visuals in the Statistics section and then in the "Engage" tab in a graphical format showing the Top10 most clicked visuals. You will also find this information in the user export in the "Selected visuals" column. You can see the details by participant.

✍️ Note that in this export, the order of appearance is that of preference, of click (if the user has liked, clicked the visual C first, in the export cell it will be "visual C" first).

Mobile setup

Once your Desktop Campaign is set up, you need to switch to Mobile view to import the dedicated backgrounds and format your different pages for that support. To import mobile backgrounds, follow the same procedure as for desktop backgrounds.

Campaign launch and Test

Once the desktop and mobile versions have been finalized, you can publish the campaign. Don't forget to check your campaign. Use our emailing option to increase engagement on your marketing campaign.

Other options available for this module

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