Before you upload your Adictiz Box campaign, make sure you check these points:
The game pages redirect without issue to the right pages e.g 'Won', 'Lost', 'Already played'.
All of your buttons are properly configured (shared buttons or not).
The mobile version is set up properly and the game works well on all devices (desktop, mobile,...) and on all major browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer.
The start and end dates of your campaigns are up to date. Be careful, it is necessary to also check the timezone. To learn more, click here.
Error texts do not overlap on another element. In general, always make sure you "fail" on each form or question page to check the message that appears.
The rules are updated and uploaded to the campaign. It is not mandatory on a marketing game but if you have rules, make sure it is up to date and imported to the campaign. To learn more, click here.
Your internet navigator is in the language you want to test
The different languages in your campaign are all well configured
Your Google Analytics codes and / or Google Tag Manager are added.
Your Facebook application, if you have one, is published.
Are your rewards set up correctly with the right distribution method and on the right dates?
You have deleted your test users from your database
You have verified that your campaign is clearly visible on the chosen media. For example, if your game is in iFrame, the iFrame code has been added to the page in question. If you have published to a sub-domain, CNAME redirection is active. To learn more, click here.
Also make sure that
the redirect buttons to external pages are up to date
the scores / times of the game are correct
if you have periodic pages, the dates are correct
If you cannot access your campaign anymore after a test, check this article.