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Tutorial - Scratch-off Game
Updated over a week ago


This Scratch-off game is simple and one of the most famous mechanic. It's a totally customizable instant win module where the player must scratch a visual to find out if he has won. The customization of this object will allow you to highlight your brand and your products.


Game Design

Before setting up your campaign, you must create the necessary graphic elements.

To start, please visit this page, where you will find all the information you need to create the graphics for your campaign: Creating your games graphics.

You can download all the elements for your module (standard size) in this pack including a graphic manual + 1 PSD file with standard dimensions:

Now it's time to set up your campaign!

Page setup

First of all, click on New Campaign then select the 'Scratch-off Game' mechanism.

You will reach the campaign editor, where you will find the mechanism's 6 pages: Home (optional); Form; Scratch off; and the 'Won', 'Lost' and ' Already Played' Pages.

If you want, you can also add a teaser page and/or an end of campaign page.

Don't forget to set up your campaign settings now, by entering the campaign dates and importing the Rules and Privacy Policy.

Background images setup

Upload your desktop background image by clicking on the "+" icon in 'Background picture'.

To learn about the graphics specifications of the background image for this module, please refer to the "Game Design" section of this article.

You also have the option of adding a single background color that will surround your game pages - you can leave the basic color or choose to standardize your campaign with a color that reminds the users of your brand or game pages, for example.

Game Settings

Number of participation: set the number of participation per day, week, month, campaign or per user, then create and select your 'Already Played' page. If the users try to play again, they will be redirected to this page. We recommend to set up this parameter for 1 participation/day, in order to encourage the users to come back regularly on your campaign.

Winners uniqueness: this option allows you to choose the number of rewards that can potentially be won by the same user on your campaign, via the winning moment(s) it contains. See our dedicated article for more information.

Result Pages: set your 'Won' and 'Lost' pages: they will be displayed once the button has been clicked, and the page displayed will be depending if a reward has been distributed or not.

Percentage of the visible area: if you choose 50% for example, it means that your users will have to scratch 50% of the image to move to the result page.

Customizing the appearance

Scratch visual: the basic visual for your game that the user will have to scratch.

'Win visual' and 'Lose visual': The visual that will unfold as the user scratches the image, according to the result

Cursor appearance: if you add a visual, it will replace the mouse when the user scratches the visual. This gives you more opportunities to customize your campaign.

Type of particles: you can also activate various effects that will appear once the user is scratching the picture:

  • Confetti

  • Images

  • Dust

  • Smoke

You can choose the particles color and the images that will appear and you can also customize the loading bar by clicking on "Advanced options"

See the effects you can display on the Scratch-off Game:





Editing and preview settings

By clicking on the game area in the editor, you will be able to access the game preview as well as the edition of the game dimensions (to best integrate your game in a mobile application).

Rewards setup

The "Scratch-off Game" module requires a standard setup of rewards.

If you have not yet set up rewards for your campaign, follow this link: Adding rewards

Mobile setup

Once your desktop Campaign is set up, you need to switch to the Mobile view to import the dedicated background images and format your pages for this device.

To import Mobile background images, follow the same procedure as for Desktop background images.

Campaign launch and test

Once the desktop and mobile versions have been finalized, you can publish the campaign.

Don't forget to check your campaign.

Other options available for this module

Scratch-off Game campaign examples

Check out few examples of Scratch-off Game campaigns below and in our " Inspiration" center.

Delifrance gives visibility to its "Croissant heart" range: the user scratches the fruity heart of a croissant to discover if he/she won.

iDAvis & highlight their car rental offer by inviting the user to scratch the snow off a vehicle of their range.

Lidl France uses scratching as a game step to enhance its Lidl Baby advice site: the user paints the baby's room to prepare for his arrival (scratching a white wall reveals a blue wall).

McDonald's uses scratching to highlight the back-to-school theme: the user is invited to "clean" a chalk board to find out if he or she won a reward.

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