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Emailing editor
Emailing editor

Create, schedule and send emailings to your users from adictiz box

Updated over 3 weeks ago

💡 Note: You must have subscribed to the Emailing option or have a Pro or Enterprise license.


This article explains how to set up your emailing using our integrated solution with the Adictiz Box editor. With its numerous triggers, multilingual management and complete statistics on your sent emails, it is the ideal tool to increase the engagement on your campaigns.

Create an emailing

To get started, go to the Adictiz Box Editor Dashboard and select "Emailings" to access your emailings (the campaign must be published). You can also access the emailings in the campaign editor by clicking on this icon:

You will be taken to the email management page where you can set up a new email or if you have already created emailings for this campaign, you can also modify, duplicate or delete them.

3 states can be displayed:

  • 🟢 Published

  • 🔵 Not published

  • 🟠 Modified and not published

💡 Please note: if you duplicate a campaign, your emailings will also be duplicated but not the triggers.

Edit an emailing

1. Set up the information

You must first enter the information for your mailing. Please note that all the following parameters are mandatory if you want to trigger a test email.

  • Name of my emailing: Name of the emailing that will be displayed in the "my emailings" tab

  • Sender's name: Your company name, visible to your recipients

  • Sender's email address: The email address visible to your recipients

  • Subject line: The subject of your email

  • Email triggering: (detailed below)

💡 To add a sender, contact us on the support page by clicking on the bubble at the bottom right of your screen. We will also create DKIMs to increase the deliverability of your emails.

2. Trigger the emailing

  • Reward won: An "Associated reward" field appears, with a drop-down menu that allows you to select the reward that will trigger this email to be sent as soon as it is won by the user. If no rewards have been set up on the campaign, a message will appear to indicate this. If you wish to add rewards to the campaign, please visit this page.

  • Page displayed: An "Associated page" field appears, with a drop-down menu that lists all the pages in your campaign. Choose the one that will trigger the email to be sent when viewed by the user. Send once only: Select this option to limit your email to the first view of a page only, especially when used to thank the user once for signing up or participating.

  • Share by email (widget) : This trigger is linked to the widget of the same name in the editor: you will have to set it up and select the desired emailing. Don't forget to integrate the %link% variable to generate the sharing link.

  • Confirm a vote: This trigger is linked to the Media Gallery of your campaign: you will have to set the "Validation by email" option and select the desired emailing. Don't forget to integrate the %link% variable to generate the sharing link.

  • Accepted media: This trigger is linked to the Media Upload of your campaign: an email will be triggered for each media validated from the media management and sent to the user who published the media.

  • Rejected media: This trigger is linked to the Media Upload of your campaign: an email will be triggered for each rejected media from the media management and sent to the user who published the media.

  • Confirm a deleted media: This trigger is linked to the "delete link" option in the Media Gallery. Go to the "Appearance" section of the Media Gallery and click on the "Customise Pop-in View" button. Then activate the "Show delete link" toggle at the bottom and select the email in question. An email will be triggered each time the user clicks on the delete link so that the user confirms their action and the media is effectively deleted. For this to happen, the confirmation link, written under the %link% variable, must be included in your emailing.

  • At the click of a button: This trigger is linked to any button on your campaign, except for the share buttons (e.g. Facebook, Twitter etc.). You will need to click on the button, select "Actions" and choose "Send an emailing".

  • At the click of an op-tin button: This trigger is exclusive to the Opt-in button. An email is sent automatically when a user clicks on this button. The user will then receive an email inviting them to confirm that they are Opt-in. ⚠️ Be sure to add the variable: %link_confirm_optin% in a <a> tag in your email, like this:

    <a href="%link_confirm_optin%" target="_blank">Opt-in confirmation</a>
  • Manual / Scheduled: This trigger is linked to the Segmentation option. Segment your database by creating segments and create more effective and personalized email campaigns.

In order to maximise the potential of your emailing, we strongly advise you to install it in HTML format. To help you in your first emailings, we provide you with 4 examples in attachments in this article for the following situations: Thanks, share with a friend, notification of a reward, confirmation of a vote.

⚠️ To avoid having a problem reading special characters, don't forget to include <meta charset="UTF-8"> in the <head> </head> tag if you are creating your email in HTML5 format, or <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> if you create it in XHTML.

3. Visual set up

The global rendering of your emailing is visible on the right of your information. Select the HTML view to start editing your email:

Click on the top banner to import your email in HTML format: your HTML code will replace the one in our example. You can view the rendering immediately by clicking on the "View rendering" icon (eye icon).

In the same way, import the graphic elements that are present in your email. They will now appear in an upload bar at the bottom of your email and will also be directly installed in your emailing. If your graphics are embedded in your HTML, you don't need to import anything, they will appear directly in the rendering. You can also import other graphic elements according to your needs: you just have to integrate them in HTML code at the desired place.

Check the emailing

You can test your emailing via the "Send a test email" button at the bottom of your configuration:

You will need to enter an email address for the receipt, as well as values that will replace any variables present in your emailing.

⚠️ Warning: on all triggers using the %link% variable, the link is generated at the game campaign level, and therefore not testable via "Send test email". For example, the %unsubscribe_link% and %mirror_link% variables do not work in test email and preview (because the variables are not replaced). To test them, you must therefore use a real email via the campaign path

You can check the deliverability of your email on the Mail Tester site. If DKIM needs to be activated, please refer to this article.

Multilingual campaign

Multilingual management is possible, but only if you have configured this option in your campaign, read our article on this subject. Once all the languages of your campaign are configured:

  • Go to the Emailing solution. Your first emailing will be proposed in the language marked as "favourite" on your campaign. Create all the emailings in this language first.

  • Click on the flag at the top right of your screen to select the desired language. Create all your mailings in this language. Repeat the process for all the languages in your campaign if necessary.

Add variables

Note that it is possible to integrate all the variables available within your game campaign into your email. Here are the additional variables available in the email editor:

  • %campaign_start_short_date% : start date in format

  • %campaign_end_short_date% : en date in format

  • %campaign_start_date% : start date in format

  • %campaign_end_date% : end date in format

  • %campaign_name% : campaign name

  • %mirror_link% : displays the emailing in a web window. You must put the variable in an HREF tag, like this:

<a href="%mirror_link%" target="_blank" class="link c-primary" style="text-decoration:none; color:#434748;"><span class="link c-primary" style="text-decoration:none; color:#434748;">View online</span></a>
  • %unsubscribe_link% : displays the unsubscribe link

  • %gateCode_code% : displays the last code used on the Gate Code module

  • %link% (in the email): allows confirmation of media deletion by the user

Add a barcode or QR code

Being able to display a barcode or QR code directly in a winning result email rather than only via the campaign has many advantages, the most important being

  • Being able to keep the code for an unlimited time

  • Being able to scan the code directly in shop to trigger, for example, the printing of a voucher on a kiosk

  • Saving time to obtain the reward instead of sending it by mail

If you have been giving out code rewards and you have our emailing option, this is very easy to do:

  • Create a list of codes in EAN13, GS1-128 or QR code format and upload it as a reward in Adictiz Box

  • Create an email from the Emailing solution with the trigger "Reward won".

Insert the following HTML code depending on the view you want:

  • EAN13 : <img src="%ean13_iw_code%" alt="">

  • QR code : <img src="%qrcode_iw_code%" alt="">

  • GS1-128 : <img src="%gs1_128_iw_code%" alt="">

  • C128 : <img src="%code128_iw_code%" alt="">

➡️ "ean13", "qrcode" and "gs1_128" representing the format you wish to display and "iw_code" being the code won on the campaign. The winning code will now appear in the desired format:



An "Emailing" section is available in the Statistics section and allows you to see the statistics of emailings sent globally. By default, the results are displayed for all the emailings of the campaign. You can however choose to filter by selecting the "By Emailing" tab.

You will also find the link identifier for better tracking (e.g.: Header, Footer, etc.):


An "Emailing" section is available in the Participants section and allows you to see all the emails sent by participating users. Here is the information available: Name, First name, Email, Sent Emailing, Trigger, Associated page / Associated endowment, Status, Date sent, Language and Device.

Description of the statuses :

  • Opened: Email opened by the user

  • Delivered: Email well received in the user's mailbox

  • Clicked: Link clicked in the email

  • Not received: Email not sent because the email address was in Bounces status when previously sent

  • Spam: Email went directly to spam

  • Unsubscribe: The user has unsubscribed from your mailing list

  • Bounces: Email not received because mailbox full, non-existent, email sent is too large or client is blocked for security reasons. Read more about this

  • Blacklist: Some users will be added to a "blacklist" if their email address is persistently unavailable.

You will find the sections "Email forwarding" (paper plane) and "Preview" (eye) on the right of this table. The email forwarding button only works for the statuses "Open", "Delivered" and "Clicked". Example of the Preview tab:

Email tracking is also available as a CSV file from the "Export" button.

Track your email usage

Track your usage in the "Consumptions" section of your account. If you wish to increase the number of emails available, contact your Account Manager.

Words to ban

In order to counter potential delivery problems with your emails, we advise you to avoid using certain words in your subject lines and body text. Here is a non-exhaustive list:

  • Win

  • Increase

  • Free

  • Win

  • Coupon

  • Promotion

  • Discount

  • Easy

  • Opportunity

  • Cash

  • Exceptional

  • Profit

  • Free of charge

  • Refunded

  • ...

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