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Tutorial - Spot The Difference
Updated over a year ago


The mechanics of the Spot the Difference game involve asking participants to find the details that change between two provided images. Once all differences are found, you can reward your users by conducting a draw among all participants. This mechanic is ideal for increasing product visibility and placing them in a specific context. It's a perfect module for recruiting and retaining your fans.

Graphics Creation

  • Before starting the configuration of your campaign, make sure you have previously created the required graphic elements. For all the necessary information for the graphic design of your campaign, refer to this article.

If you want to include game variables on your wallpaper, make sure to leave space for them in the graphic design.

List of available variables

  • %remaining_time%: Remaining time in the game

  • %nb_errors%: Current number of errors in the game

  • %remaining_items%: Remaining items to find

  • %spotTheDifference_score%: Score of the last game

  • %spotTheDifference_bestScore%: Best score of the participant in the game

  • %spotTheDifference_duration%: Game duration

  • %spotTheDifference_itemsFound%: Number of items found

  • %spotTheDifference_errors%: Number of errors in the game

  • %spotTheDifference_cumulated_score%: All scores accumulated by a participant in a game (or multiple games in a row on the same campaign) / Example: I play a Spot the Difference game (200pts), then a second Spot the Difference game (100pts) in the same campaign, this variable will display my cumulative score between my Spot the Difference 1 & 2, which is 300pts

Campaign Creation

To create a Spot the Difference campaign:

  1. Click on "New campaign"

  2. Click on the "By mechanic" tab

  3. Choose "Spot the Difference"

  4. Click on "Use this template"

Campaign Pages

Your campaign is now created. You will then find yourself in the campaign editor. The Spot the Difference template consists of 4 pages:

If you wish, you can add other pages and game mechanics. We recommend adding a home and teasing page.

Configure your campaign settings, indicating the broadcast dates, and importing the rules and privacy policy.

Wallpaper Installation

Import your Desktop wallpapers by clicking on the "+" icon in the Background Image. To know the graphic specifications of the wallpapers for this module, please refer to the "Game Design" section of this article. You also have the option to add a solid background color that will surround your game pages - you can leave the default color or choose to unify your campaign with a color that reflects your brand or game pages, for example.

Game Settings

  • Number of participations: Set the number of participations per day, week, month, or campaign and per user, then create and select your Already Played page. If the user tries to replay, they will be directed to this page directly. We recommend not activating limited participation so that your participants can replay this game as many times as they want.

  • Score counting: There are 2 ways to count the score

  • Differences found: The score will be based on the number of differences found (e.g., 7 differences found = 7 points)

  • Mistakes made: The score will depend on the remaining time, game duration, number of differences found, and mistakes made.

  • Activate the timer: Enable this option to add difficulty to the player. This means the player must achieve the best possible score before the time runs out.

  • Show the result page: Select "Show the result page" so that users discover if they have won or not. To choose the type of result, consult this page. Adjust the number of pages won, lost, and already played accordingly.

Customization of Appearance

  • Game background visual: Upload the visual of the background in which you will add the images containing the differences.

  • "Success" icon visual: Upload the image that will appear when a difference is found.

  • "Error" icon visual: Upload the image that will appear when an error is made.

  • Enable resizing: Allows you to choose the size of the tables to be compared:

    • Actual size (based on the dimensions you have set)

    • 250px

    • 350px

    • 450px

  • Tables visual: Upload the images (or "tables") that will be displayed to participants and will contain the differences to find.

Advanced option settings allow you to configure your loading bar.

Edit and preview

By clicking on the game area in the editor, you can access the game preview as well as edit the game dimensions (to integrate your game better into a mobile application) and edit the game engine. Learn more.

Clicking on "Edit the game engine" allows you to:

  • Correctly position your tables in the game area

  • Define the areas where the differences will be located

To start defining areas with differences:

  • Click the + button to add areas

  • Areas can be moved and resized, and changes occur simultaneously on both tables.


Mobile version set up

Once your Desktop campaign is configured, switch to Mobile view to import background images and format your different pages for this platform.

💡 Note:

  • The desktop game background is displayed for the mobile version but resized to 60% and cropped on the sides. Users will need to scroll sideways to see the entire image, so it may be useful to have an "Instructions" page before this module to explain the settings of your game.

  • The Editing mode only exists on the Desktop format: the changes you make there will affect the Mobile version.

  • On Mobile, the images will be positioned in the same place as on Desktop, in a resized and cropped game area. We recommend reading the article related to the graphic specifications of this module.

Test and publish the campaign

When the Desktop and Mobile versions are finalized, you can preview your campaign to test it. To know the essential things to check, read this article. Once your tests are complete, you can publish your campaign on your custom domain and promote it to your audience.

Spot the Difference campaign examples

Discover examples of module scripting in our "Inspiration" space.

Ekosport - Spot the 7 Differences

Gemo - €1000 Shopping Spree, so nothing stops you!

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