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Tutorial - Mystery Word
Updated over a week ago


The Mystery Word is a reflexion game that will highlight your brand values or the advantages of your services or products. Users are invited to find the words, sentences or dates that are hidden, by proposing the letters or numbers that compose them. Many options will allow you to fully customize its gameplay (Sudden Death, Chronometer,...) and design (visuals of the Mystery Word elements and the personalized keyboard), thus maximizing the time spent by your customers and prospects who will be exposed to your brand universe.


Game design

Before setting up your campaign, you will need to have created the various graphic elements required. To begin, please consult this page which will give you access to all the essential information for the graphic creation of your campaign: Creating the graphics of your games. To create the specific elements of the Mystery Word, please see this article: Mystery Word module Graphics Specifications.

Page setup

First, click on New Campaign and select the Mystery Word mechanic. You will then be taken to the campaign editor which includes the 4 stages of this mechanic: Form, Mystery Word, a Result page and an End of campaign page. If you wish, you can add a home page and/or a teaser page. Don't forget to set up your campaign settings now, including the campaign dates, terms and conditions and privacy policy.

Background image setup

Upload your Desktop background by clicking the "+" icon in Background Image. To learn about the background graphics specifications for this module, please refer to the "Game Design" section of this article. You also have the option of adding a solid background color that will surround your game pages - you can leave the basic color or choose to standardize your campaign with a color that reminds the user of your brand or game pages, for example.

Game Settings

Number of participation (if "Limited participation" is enabled): Set the number of participation per day, week, month or campaign and per user, then create and select your Already Played page. If the user tries to replay, he will land directly on this page. Ideally, we recommend disabling the Limited participation option to encourage the user to revisit your campaign regularly. The user can, for example, be invited to replay as often as he wants to improve his score and to try to be part of the 100 best players before the end of the campaign.

Game mode: there are 2 different game modes for this module:

Hangman mode

The number of images uploaded determines the number of possible errors for the user. See the "Customizing the appearence" section for more information.

Life mode

The number of lives selected determines the number of possible errors for the user. You can choose to activate from 1 to 20 lives. The life visual will not be displayed if you select more than 10 lives.

Activate "Sudden death" mode: allows you to guess several words in a row but with the same number of visuals or lives and the same chronometer for all mystery words. If you do not activate this option, the chronometer and the visuals or lives will be specific to each mystery word.

Enable Chronometer: enable this option to add difficulty to the player. This means that the player must perform the best possible score before the time runs out. The time you define will be restarted with each new word (unless you activate the "Sudden death" option).

Letters animation: choose the animation for the letters selected by the user from 3 possible choices:




Display results page: Select "Display results page" so that users can find out whether they have won or not. To choose the type of results, consult this page. In function, adjust the number of pages Won, Lost and Already played For the "Win/Lose" result, here are the rules of this module:

  • in case of correct word(s) or sentence(s) > win

  • in case of correct word(s) or sentence(s) and before the time limit > win

  • in case of error with a life number equal to 0 > lose

  • in case of missing letter(s) after the time limit > lose

Game content

Description: write an explanatory text about the mystery word.

Hint: This is optional and is only displayed if you enable it and if a text is entered in the field. You can also choose how many failed attempts the hint should be displayed from.

Answer: this is the mystery word that the user must guess. You can make a word, date or sentence guess. Special characters such as"...","!","?"," -",","" and accents are automatically displayed in the text to be found. Examples:

Number of points: select the number of points for each mystery word you decide to add.

Random mode: allows you to mix the order in which words are displayed for each participation, for each user. If you want to add another word, simply click on "Add a word/phrase" and repeat the process.

Customizing the appearance

Hangman visuals (Hangman mode): the visuals will be used to display the progress of the image according to the errors made by the user. Import them so that the leftmost image on the bar is the starting image of the module: each next image will mark an additional step up to the last imported image that will represent the end of the game (= no more lives / too many mistakes made).

Live example :

Lives visuals (Life mode): Import visuals of lives granted to the user.

Customization of the mystery word, description and hint: you can modify the appearance of all your texts through 3 options:

  • the police

  • the font size

  • the color of the text

You can also choose the color of the missing letters "lines" of the mystery word.

Keyboard theme: there are 3 types of keyboard display:

  • custom: you can change the color of the numbers/letters and keys through 9 different settings

  • light: grey numbers and letters on a white background

  • dark: white numbers and letters on a grey background

The advanced options settings allow you to configure your loading bar, opening and end of game texts.

Editing and preview settings

By clicking on the game area in the editor, you will be able to access the game preview as well as the edition of the game dimensions (to best integrate your game in a mobile application). Learn more about this feature

You will also find the option to edit the game engine: all elements can be repositioned to allow you to manage the final rendering of your game. You can also resize the text box for the description, clue and mystery word - see the video below.

💡 Tip: in Edit mode, it is the text belonging to the longest word of your campaign that will serve as the basis for positioning.

See the actions of the Mystery Word editing mode:

Mobile setup

Once your Desktop Campaign is set up, you need to switch to Mobile view to import the dedicated backgrounds and format your different pages for that support. To import mobile backgrounds, follow the same procedure as for desktop backgrounds.

Campaign launch and Test

Once the desktop and mobile versions have been finalized, you can publish the campaign. Don't forget to check your campaign. Use our emailing option to increase engagement on your marketing campaign.

Other options available for this module

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