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Tutorial - Catch Them All
Updated over a week ago


The Catch Them All module is a game of skill mechanics, which can meet your engagement objectives, where the user has to catch elements in a moving container. Many options will allow you to fully customize its gameplay (lateral movement, obstacles, bounces...), maximizing the time spent by your customers and prospects, exposed to your brand universe, your services & products. The game elements are also customizable, and can be scripted to fit your products and highlights, for example by having to catch the ingredients of a drink in a bottle.

Game design

Before setting up your campaign, you must create the necessary graphic elements. Please check this article that will explain all the essential information for the graphic creation of your campaign: Creating your games graphics. You will find all the downloadable elements for your module (standard dimensions) in our PSD package, as well as the explanatory guidebook:

Page setup

First, create a new campaign and then select the Catch-all game icon.

You will then find yourself in the campaign editor with the 4 stages of this mechanic: Form, Catch-all, the Result page and the end page of the campaign. If you wish, you can add a teaser page and/or a home page. Don't forget to configure your campaign settings now, including the campaign dates and the rules and privacy policy.

Background image setup

Upload your desktop background images by clicking on the '+' icon under 'Background Image'. To find out the graphics specifications for this module's background images, please check the 'Game design' section in this article. You can also add a solid background color to surround your game pages - you can keep the default color or standardize your campaign with a color that reflects your brand or your game pages, for instance.

Game settings

  • Limited participation: You can leave this option disabled if you want your participants to be able to play your game indefinitely. If you activate it, set the number of games per day, week, month, campaign, or user; then create and select your 'Already Played' page. If users try to replay the game, they will be redirected to this page. Ideally, we recommend one game per day in order to encourage users to return to your campaign on a regular basis.

  • Difficulty: there are 3 levels of difficulty, which will strongly influence the frequency of appearance of your elements, as well as their type ("bonus" or "malus").

  • Chronometer: activate this option to add difficulty to the player. This means that the player will have to make the best possible score before the end of the allotted time.

  • Bounces: the uncaught elements will bounce on the ground 1 time before disappearing.

  • Rebounds on the player: the uncaught elements will bounce on the container 1 time before disappearing.

  • Lateral Movement: Players will not have a game border - so if they go too far to the right, they will reappear to the left and vice versa.

  • Obstacle Mode: This adds difficulty for the player as the items pass through a wall of obstacles when they fall and it becomes harder to know where they will arrive.
    ⚠️ By choosing this mode, the elements to catch and avoid will have to be produced between 40px and 60px maximum!

  • Display result page: Select “Display result page” so that users can find out if they've won or not. To choose the type of result, read this article. Adjust the number of Won, Lost and Already Played pages.

Customizing the appearance

Background visual: this is the visual of the game area, on which all the elements of the game will be installed.

Player visual: this is the visual of the container that will be used to catch the elements that will fall.

Elements to catch: these are the "bonus" elements that will earn points. The points for each element are distributed as follows, from left to right:

  • 10 points for the first bonus uploaded

  • 20 points for the second bonus uploaded

  • 30 points for the third bonus uploaded etc.

Element to avoid: these are the "malus" elements that will reduce points. The points lost for each element are distributed as follows, from left to right:

  • -10 points for the first bonus uploaded

  • -20 points for the second bonus uploaded

  • -30 points for the third bonus uploaded etc.

⚠️ The user's score cannot be negative.

Particles type: the particles will be displayed when a "bonus" element is caught up. You have the choice between : confetti, smoke dust, stars and images (import your custom confetti there)

The advanced options settings allow you to configure your loading bar as well as the introduction and end of game texts. To start a countdown at the beginning of the game, enter the numbers and/or texts followed by ";" - for example: 3;2;1;Go!

Editing and preview settings

By clicking on the game area in the editor, you will be able to access the game preview as well as the edition of the game dimensions (to best integrate your game in a mobile application). Learn more about this feature

You will also be able to find the edition of the game engine, and more specifically the edition of the hitzone which is used to define the arrival area of the objects you catch up with. It is important to match the size of the hitzone with the size of your "catch-up" container.

Mobile version setup

Once your desktop campaign has been set up, you must switch to Mobile view in order to import the dedicated background images and format your pages for this device. To import Mobile background images, follow the same procedure as for Desktop backgrounds

Campaign launch and test

Once the desktop and mobile versions have been finalized, you can publish the campaign. Don't forget to check your campaign. Use our emailing option to increase engagement on your marketing campaign.

Other options available for this module

Examples of Catch Them All campaigns

Discover some examples of the scripting of the module below and in our "Inspiration" area.

Eram & Texto have joined forces to create a "Catch Them All" showcasing the products of both brands. Participants are then drawn at random.

On the occasion of the Christmas holidays, DPD highlights its delivery service by asking its participants to catch up gifts, the difficulty being increased with the addition of the "Bounce on the ground" option.

Lidl uses the Catch Them All mechanism to valorise its wooden products that comply with the FSC standard. The participants have to catch up the FSC cubes while avoiding plastic cubes.

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