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Tutorial - Tiny Wings
Updated over a week ago


Tiny Wings is a score-based mechanism inspired by the eponymous iOS game. Launched in 2011, the game was a huge success in terms of the number of downloads. The mechanism resembles a game of speed and skill: users must race through a hilly landscape, as fast and far as possible, by accelerating when going downhill and slowing down in the climbs. Many customization options allow you to promote your products and services by adapting the module to your brand's universe (sounds and animations, jumps, loops, bonus visuals, obstacles, etc..). This game mechanism perfectly meets your engagement goals by maximizing the time spent and the number of games played by your users.


Game Design

Before setting up your campaign, you must create the necessary graphic elements. Please check this article that will explain all the essential information for the graphic creation of your campaign: Creating your games graphics.

You can download all the elements for your module (standard size) in this pack including a graphic manual + 1 PSD file with standard dimensions:

Page Setup

First of all, click on 'New Campaign' and select the Tiny Wings mechanism. This will take you to the campaign editor, where you will find the mechanism 's six stages: Home (optional); Form; Tiny Wings; and the 'Won', 'Lost' and ' Already Played' Pages. If you want, you can also add a teaser page and/or an end of campaign page.

Don't forget to set up your campaign settings now, by entering the campaign dates and importing the Rules and Privacy Policy.

Background Image Setup

Upload your desktop background images by clicking on the '+' icon under ' Background Image'.

To find out the graphic specifications for this module's background images, please check the 'Game Design' section in this article

You can also add a solid background color to surround your game pages - you can leave the default color or standardize your campaign with a color that evokes (for instance) your brand or your game pages.

Game Settings

Game settings

Number of participation (if the 'Limited participation' option is enabled): Set the number of games per day, week, month, campaign, or user. Then, create and select your 'Already Played' page. If users try to replay the game, they will be redirected to this page. Ideally, we recommend one game per day in order to encourage users to return to your campaign on a regular basis.

Game mode: This module features 3 game modes, which are detailed in the next paragraph.

Sliding time: Set the maximum sliding time, that is, the time during which your hero will be in contact with the track. This will influence your game's duration.

Display Result Page : Select 'Display Result Page' so that users can find out whether they have won or not. To choose the type of result, check out this page. Accordingly, adjust the number of 'Won', 'Lost' and 'Already Played' pages.

Description of the various game modes

Sliding mode

Sliding mode

Flip mode

Jump mode

Players must travel the greatest possible distance in a limited period of time. To do this, they must increase the character's thrust going downhill to gain speed (by pressing the "Space" bar on the keyboard or by pressing on your Mobile screen).

Players must jump in the air with their vehicle/character (by pressing the "Space" bar on the keyboard or by pressing on your Mobile screen) to earn points before their sliding bar' runs out.

As players progress in the game, they must catch bonuses in the air and avoid the obstacles on the way (by pressing the "Space" bar on the keyboard or by pressing on your Mobile screen).

Customizing the appearance

The Tiny Wings module offers a wide range of customization options. You can add sounds and animations (which you can enable with your Account Manager if you don't have a PRO account), making your game campaign a truly engaging brand experience for your prospects and customers.

Visual elements can be divided into 4 categories:

  • Hero visuals

  • Hero sound and animations

  • Static scenery visuals

  • Dynamic scenery visuals

Hero visuals

Hero's visual: This is the hero's basic visual element when users play the game.

Hero's visual (running) - 'Sliding' mode only : The 'Sliding' mode requires your character to gain thrust when descending the track. You can customize the character's point of view during this step to enhance user immersion.


Jumping hero's visual: This is your character's visual when jumping; the character will keep this look during his 'flight'.

Hero' sound and animations

If you have a PRO account, the hero's visuals can be animated to create the illusion of movement. Click on the animations icon and import your hero's animation visuals. A preview screen will allow you to check your setup and adapt the animation speed to the track's scrolling speed. You can also import a sound to illustrate the noise of the hero's race as well a soundtrack that will be played during the race (MP3 or MPEG; 1MB max).

Watch the sound & animations for Tiny Wings in video !

Static scenery visuals

Ground visual: This is the visual of the area below the track where your hero will be running.

Track visual: This is the visual of the track where your hero will 'slide'

HUD 'Score x2' visual: Upload the visual to be displayed when the user collects a 'x2' bonus. It indicates that the bonus is active.

Game 'Score x2' visual: Upload the visual of the double score bonus to be collected on the track.

Ambient sound: This additional option is only available to PRO accounts. Upload a soundtrack of your choice: Users can choose to play it or not during the game (MP3 or MPEG; 1MB max).

Dynamic scenery visuals

Tiny Wings Dynmaic scenery visuals

Background visuals: Tiny Wings' background includes 3 different levels. You can choose to upload only one background or create the illusion of speed by adding one or two more backgrounds. You can then rearrange them on the configuration bar:

If you are installing multiple backgrounds: the left and right edges of the background visuals must match so that they can be repeated across the width without being cut off - see the graphic manual for more details.

Scenery visuals: These elements will make the scenery more realistic; they are randomly arranged along the track.

Bonus visual: These are the items users will have to pick up to earn points.

Obstacles visual - 'Jump' mode only : These are the elements users must avoid by jumping; otherwise, they will temporarily slowed down the hero.

Editing and preview settings

By clicking on the game area in the editor, you will be able to access the game preview as well as the edition of the game dimensions (to best integrate your game in a mobile application).

Mobile setup

Once your desktop campaign has been set up, you must switch to Mobile view in order to import the dedicated backgrounds and format your pages for this device.


To import the Mobile background images, follow the same procedure as for the Desktop background images.

Campaign launch and test

Once the desktop and mobile versions have been finalized, you can publish the campaign. Don't forget to check your campaign.

Other options available for this module

Examples of Tiny Wings campaigns

Discover module scripting examples below and in our Inspiration page

Sapresti publicizes its processed cheese food products during the winter season via a game by Tiny Wings illustrating a ski slope.

Lidl Voyages mediatizes its Italian offer through a game of Tiny Wings entirely written around Italian cuisine: users help the pizzaiolo to roll his pizza dough on a work surface, catching the ingredients that compose it and avoiding those that are not part of the recipe.

Total Belgium, sponsor of the Brussels Marathon, is publicising its partnership through a game by Tiny Wings scriptwriting the race.

McDonald's is promoting its summer season through a Tiny Wings game based on the festivals and amusement parks theme, giving visibility to its products used as bonus assets.

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