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Tutorial - Outrun ๐Ÿš˜
Updated over a year ago


The mechanics of Outrun are inspired by the famous automobile arcade game of the same name, and consist of moving a vehicle from lane to lane, to avoid moving obstacles. The user has to cover the longest possible distance and achieve the highest score, within a fixed time limit. The Adictiz Box game module delivers an adapted and extended version, including several racing environments (land, aquatic or air), multiple track scrolling speeds, and many options, including "Sound & Animations". It is therefore a particularly appealing module, which will maximize your audience's exposure to your brand universe and encourage them to regularly return to your campaign to improve their score.

Game Design

Before setting up your campaign, you will need to have created the different graphic elements needed. Please check this article that will explain all the essential information for the graphic creation of your campaign: Creating your games graphics.

You will find all items for your module in our PSD package:

The manual will give you all the information and advice you need to create the graphics for your Outrun campaign:

Page setup

First, click on New campaign and select the Outrun. You are then in the campaign editor which includes the 4 steps of this game : Form, Outrun, Result page and the end of campaign page. If you want, you can also add a teaser page and/or a home page.

Don't forget to set up your campaign settings now, by entering the campaign dates and importing the Rules and Privacy Policy.

Background image setup

Upload your desktop wallpapers by clicking on the icon "+" in the background picture. To know the graphic specifications of the backgrounds for this module, please refer to the "Game Design" section of this article. You also have the possibility of adding a solid background color that will surround your game pages - you can leave the basic color or choose to standardize your campaign with a color that is reminiscent of your brand or your game pages for example.

Game Settings (Part One)

Number of participation (if "Limited participation" is enabled): set the number of participation per day, week, month or campaign and per user, then create and select your Already Played page. If the user tries to replay, he will go directly to this page. Ideally, we recommend disabling the Limited participation option to encourage users to revisit your campaign regularly. The user can, for example, be invited to replay as often as he wants to improve his score and try to be one of the 100 best players before the end of the campaign.

Game mode: you need to define what type of game environment you want for your campaign from the following 3 - the general game settings will be the same for all these modes, only the visual rendering will change:


Vehicle or character on track : cyclist, hen, car...


Vehicle or character on water : swimmer, jetski, boat...


Vehicle or character in the air : para-gliding, bird, paper, airplane...

Number of lanes: choose the number of possible lanes for the user. This affects the width of your course and the possibilities of avoiding obstacles: if you have three lanes, the user will be able to move one lane to the left and one to the right, which restricts his/her options. If you do not know which option to choose, we recommend three lanes.

Width of a lane: define the width of your lanes, for example to adapt them to your obstacles - the measurements are indicated in pixels. If you do not know which option to choose, we recommend 300 pixels.

Enable Mountains/Waves: you can enable this option if you want to give a nonlinear rendering of the track. The user will have the impression:

  • of being on a hilly track in "land" mode

  • of navigating in the waves in "aquatic" mode

  • of having air resistance effect in "air" mode

Enabling horizon movement: this option makes it possible to mark the hilly landscape more clearly by placing the camera behind the vehicle. It is linked to the "Mountains/Waves" setting, and can only be enabled if this option is also activated.

Without horizon movement

With horizon movement

Activating curves: give some dynamism to your course by activating curves. For "Air" and "Aquatic" modes, the effect will be lighter than in "Land" mode to simulate actual flight and navigation conditions.

Jumps/loop mode: the user can jump over obstacles with a land/ aquatic vehicle, or loop the loop with an air vehicle by pressing the up arrow on the keyboard or pressing the "up" button on the mobile gaming screen.

Moving obstacles: allows you to activate the fact that the obstacles will move on the road. Their speed will then be half that of the user. This creates the feeling of driving in the middle of traffic - this option is therefore particularly recommended if the obstacles are vehicles or characters.

Game Settings (Part Two)

Time : determines the time allowed to the user to reach the finish line, which will put an end to his game and give him a bonus of points.

Activation of the shield bonus: this is used to avoid an obstacle by making the vehicle temporarily invincible if the shield is picked up (the vehicle will then have a blinking halo signifying its invincibility).

Activation of "Extra Points" bonus: this is used to add points to the user when he collects them. The bonuses earn 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 points, in order of upload from left to right:

Activation of barrier penalty: slow down the player's vehicle if he runs into it.

Display result page : Select "Display result page" so that users can find out whether they have won or not. You can choose between "Score only" (e.g. to display a global ranking and/or announce a draw) and "Score to reach" (see the dedicated article for more information on this type of result).

Customizing the appearance

Click on the image to zoom

Vehicle: import the visual of your vehicle - be careful not to make it too high to allow for visibility on the race in front of it.

Vehicle turning left / Vehicle turning right: you can choose to add visuals to the vehicle as it rotates on either side to add dynamism and realism to your game.

Horizon: it is the visual that will come to settle above your track and simulate the horizon that the user seeks to reach.

Finishing line: it is the visual that will come to mark the distance to be reached before the end of the chronometer (mandatory).

Background music: see the paragraph "Sound and animations of the vehicle". If you have enabled the "Shield" bonus or "Barrier" penalty options, you can import their visuals. For bonuses, you can upload several different visuals to highlight a wider variety of products/services in your brand universe.

Obstacles: you can import up to 4 different obstacle visuals.

Track edges visual(s) / Sides visual(s): you can import up to 4 different decor visuals and adjust their density. You can also differentiate the scenery of each edge to give more life to the scenery surrounding the track.

In order to affirm the identity of your brand on the course, you can also choose the color of the following items : Clicking on "Advanced option", you can customize the text that appears when the game begins and ends, as well as the loading bar appearance.

Vehicle' sound and animations

If you have a PRO account, the vehicle's visuals can be animated to create the illusion of movement. Click on the animations icon and import your vehicle's animation visuals. A preview screen will allow you to check your setup and adapt the animation speed to the game's scrolling speed.

You can also import a sound to illustrate the noise of the vehicle in different situations (normal, left turn, right turn) and animate your bonus and/or malus elements. It is also possible to add a background music that will be broadcast during the race (MP3 or MPEG - 1MB max).

Editing and preview settings

By clicking on the game area in the editor, you will be able to access the game preview as well as the edition of the game dimensions (to best integrate your game in a mobile application). Learn more about this feature.

Mobile setup

Once your Desktop Campaign is set up, you need to switch to Mobile view to import the dedicated backgrounds and format your different pages for that support. To import mobile backgrounds, follow the same procedure as for desktop backgrounds.

Campaign launch and Test

Once the desktop and mobile versions have been finalized, you can publish the campaign. Don't forget to check your campaign. Use our emailing option to increase engagement on your marketing campaign.

Other options available for this module

Examples of Outrun campaigns

Aviva highlights Eurofil entity and the diversity of its insurance services by featuring an individual hoverboard on Outrun: the user must travel as far as possible while catching Eurofil bonuses and by avoiding the daily obstacles of urban areas.

Orange TV highlights broadcast of the mini-series "The War of the Aces" devoted to the exceptional pilots of the First World War, via a scripted Outrun: flying a plane, the user must travel the longest distance while avoiding bombs & catching the most navigation bonuses.

Carrefour highlights its CSR actions for more sustainable fishery via a scripted Outrun: users must direct a fishing boat, catching certain fish, and avoiding the most sensitive species.

Total Belgium highlights its Proxi Fuel products for professionals during the winter season via a scripted Outrun: the user must drive a Proxi Fuel truck, catching all the drops of fuel while avoiding obstacles.

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