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Tutorial - Battle
Updated over a week ago


The Battle is an engaging module that allows you to ask the participant to choose between 2 photos, which can represent your products, commercial offers or services. This game is suitable for any user and allows you to showcase your brand's products. You can reward your users by drawing lots from all the participants. This mechanism is ideal if you have recruitment and/or retention as objectives.


Game design

Before setting up your campaign, you must create the necessary graphic elements. To start, please visit this page, where you will find all the information you need to create the graphics for your campaign: Creating your games graphics. To create the elements specific to the Battle module, please read this article.

Page setup

First of all, click on ' New Campaign' and select the Battle mechanism.

You will reach the campaign editor, where you will find the mechanism's 4 pages: Home (optional), Form, Battle, the Result Page and the end of campaign page. If you want, you can also add a home page, and/or a teaser page.

Don't forget to set up your campaign settings now, by entering the campaign dates and importing the Rules and Privacy Policy.

Background images setup

Upload your desktop background images by clicking on the '+' icon under 'Background Image'. To find out the graphics specifications for this module's background images, please check the 'Game design' section in this article. You can also add a solid background color to surround your game pages - you can keep the default color or standardize your campaign with a color that reflects your brand or your game pages, for instance.

Game settings

  • Limited participation : You can leave this option disabled if you want your participants to be able to play your game indefinitely. If you activate it, set the number of games per day, week, month, campaign, or user; then create and select your 'Already Played' page. If users try to replay the game, they will be redirected to this page.

  • Number of attempts: you can choose between 5, 10, 15 or 20 attempts. If, for example, you choose 5 attempts, then the user will have 5 battles of 2 photos displayed in front of them, for which they will have to choose one photo each time.

  • Result page: choose the page to be displayed when the user has made the number of attempts configured.

  • Add a Joker button: create a customizable button that allows the user to pass a battle without having to make a choice, and therefore without counting the number of attempts. You can set from 1 to 10jokers per game. Tip: You can tell participants how many jokers are left in real time by adding the %remaining_joker% variable to your game page.

Game content

Use page media: Select "None" for this option if you choose to import all the photos that users will be able to view and vote on. Click on "Advanced settings" to upload the Battle's visuals. You have 3 options:

  • Add visuals manually : Click on the visual icon to upload your photo, then add its name and the redirection URL link that will be activated when you click on the photo in the result page (for more information, see the "Set up the Battle results" section in this article). Click OK to finalize and repeat this step as many times as you have photos.

  • Add visuals from the setting file : Download the configuration file that will serve as a template for importing your visuals. Once completed, upload it to your campaign by dragging it into the configuration box where you uploaded the template file.

⚠️ This file must be saved and uploaded to the platform in .csv format with the "semicolon" separator!

  • Add visuals from the users : If you want to get media from another page of your campaign (for example, if you asked your participants to upload their own photos), select the Media Upload page that you will have installed beforehand. You can also select a Customizer page, Shopping List or any other creative module if your Battle offers to vote on user-made creations.

You can then choose to display only the media you have moderated (recommended). Go to the Media Management section to proceed with the moderation of the files uploaded to your campaign.

Customizing the appearance

Opening animation: you have the choice between few animations for the appearance of your photos between each battle :

  • with rebounds: the visuals appear by making slight bounces

  • Opacity: visuals appear progressively on the screen, from transparency to their final appearance.

  • Scale: the visuals appear larger and larger, until they reach their normal size.

Closing animation: these are the same as those of the input, in inverted mode. For example, with the "scale" effect, the visual will become smaller and smaller until it disappears completely.

Visuals size: you can define the size of your visuals between small, medium or large.

Visuals formats: you can improve the rendering of your visuals by choosing a format among 3 choices: Square, Portrait or Landscape. The dimensions associated with the chosen size and format are available in the Graphic Specifications article of this module.

Set up the Battle results

You have the opportunity to show all participants the 10 most appreciated visuals of your campaign, in the form of a ranking with display of the visual.

To do this, follow the steps below:

  • Add a dynamic image widget to your result page

  • Click on the widget

  • In "Image associated to the page", choose "Battle" if you have uploaded your photos or "MediaUpload" if participants can upload their own photos.

  • In "Image to display", choose "Image #1 in number of votes" to display the visual of your most appreciated photo.

  • Repeat this process, modifying the image to be displayed each time, until you have the number of visuals you want (ex: configure 3 dynamic widgets to make a TOP 3 ranking).

Mobile version setup

Once your desktop campaign has been set up, you must switch to Mobile view in order to import the dedicated background images and format your pages for this device.

To import Mobile background images, follow the same procedure as for Desktop backgrounds

Campaign launch and test

Once the desktop and mobile versions have been finalized, you can publish the campaign. Don't forget to check your campaign.

Other options available for this module

Examples of 'Battle' campaigns

Discover some examples of the scripting of the module below and in our "Inspiration" area.

Flunch uses the mechanics of the Battle to identify its participants' favourite products.

Legrand highlights the advantages of products in the Céliane range through a Battle that puts the participant in concrete situations of use.

On the occasion of the "Travel d'or" operation, Lidl Voyages collects information on the favourite destinations of its participants thanks to a very colourful Battle.

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