Segment option

Segment your databases to deliver effective email campaigns

Simon Dubreucq avatar
Written by Simon Dubreucq
Updated over a week ago

✅ Prerequisite: Subscribe to the Segment option or have a Pro or Enterprise license.


This new feature will enable you to segment your database collected via your various gaming campaigns*. Segmentation consists of grouping contacts or types of contact together in a homogenous way with the aim of sending specific messages that may be of interest to one of these groups of contacts.

You can then develop dedicated email campaign strategies for each segment. In this way, you'll be able to define the highlights and annual campaigns to be carried out with your targets.

*Segmentation is done "per campaign" and not on several campaigns at the same time.

Why Segment ?

Segmentation allows you to target different groups of people with relevant content that meets their exact needs. This has a number of advantages for your marketing strategy:

  • Be more responsive during or after a campaign to generate more engagement and conversions

  • Export segment data without having to handle a global export to feed your CRM

  • Improved relations with your customers and prospects

  • Greater knowledge of your audience

Watch our Webinar on 27 June 2023 on this feature:

Creating a segment

To create a segment, go to user management and click on the target icon (1). Then click on the Create a segment button (2).

The "All participants" segment is present by default. You can create up to a maximum of 10 segments. When you create a segment, we advise you to rename it by clicking on the "Edit" icon (pencil ✏️).

You can segment your users according to a number of criteria.

  • Demographic (age, gender, location, job, social profile, point of sale, etc.).

  • Behavioural (optin, like a product, visiting a specific page in your campaign, winning a reward, etc.).

⚠️ Select the "Newsletter field is true" condition to target only your Optins in the case of email marketing!

Examples of segmentation :

You need to configure at least 1 condition to create a segment.

A condition is made up of a filter, a field, a rule and/or a value.

Here is an example of a condition:

  • Filter: Form

  • Field: Civility

  • Rule: Equal

  • Value: Mrs

This means that the first condition of my segment targets users who put "Mrs" in the "Civilility" field of the form in my campaign.

Add conditions to refine your segment. In the example on the right, we're targeting users who have entered "Mrs" in the "User ID" field, have accepted the newsletter and have not won the Click & Win game.

Once the conditions have been defined, you can activate 2 options:

  • Automatic update of your segment: This means that users who meet the criteria for your segment will be automatically added to it during the campaign.

  • Email notification after generation: This option is useful when you have a large segment with lots of users. An email will be sent to you as soon as the segment has been generated.

Then, click on "Create a segment".

✍️ Depending on the volume of your segment, generation may take a few minutes (see timings below). A loader will then be visible, and you can leave the page if you need to, but this will not stop it being generated. Then, if you have activated the "Be notified by email" option, you will receive a confirmation of generation.

You will then see the number of contacts concerned by this segment. This number may change if your campaign isn't finished yet!

How long will this take?

All segment creations below 50,000 users will be almost instantaneous. Beyond that, you'll need to wait a few seconds or even a few minutes for the largest segments. Here are some approximate times:

  • 100,000 users: 40s

  • 250,000 users: 2m40

  • 600,000 users: 7m25

Coming soon: You will receive an email notification when the Segment is fully loaded on your campaign.

Using a segment

Once your segment(s) has/have been created and generated with all your contacts, you can use it/them via our Emailing tool.

Go to the Emailing section. Create an emailing and start editing it.

The triggering section of the emailing allows you to activate the desired segment:

  • Trigger: Select "Manual / Scheduled".

  • Segment: Select the desired segment. Make sure you rename your segments so as not to confuse them.

  • Send date and time: Edit the date and time when your emailing will be sent.

  • Update the number of contacts in the segment before sending: When you create a segment, you will see the number of contacts corresponding to it. This option allows you to update the number of contacts between the time the emailing is configured and the time it is sent.

⚠️ In addition, be sure to activate the "Automatic update" toggle (see the "Creation" section above) on your segment if it is sent during the campaign.

For more information about the emailing module, see this article.

Programming a segment

The Scheduled tab 🕓 allows you to manage your scheduled/manual emailings.

4 statuses describe the status of your scheduled mailing:

  • Scheduled: The emailing is scheduled for the configured send date. You can delete the scheduled send or modify it if the segment is not correct.

  • In progress: Once it has arrived at the scheduled date and time, the emailing is triggered and set to "In progress" status. The emails are then sent to the users corresponding to your segment. You can pause the emailing to modify it.

  • Pause: Use the little ⏸ icon to the right of the "In progress" email line to stop the emails being sent and go and modify your emailing if you've noticed a typo, for example.

  • Finished: The emailing has been sent to all the users in the segment. It is not possible to edit an emailing once it has been sent.

Analysis of scheduled email deliveries


As with emailing statistics, you can monitor and analyse the delivery of your emails to your Segment.

By default, the results are displayed for all the emails in the campaign. However, you can choose to filter the results by selecting the "By Emailing" tab.

Email management

In the "Users" section, then the "Emailing" tab, you can view all the emails sent to participants. To find out more, click here.

✍️ Good to know!

There is a deliverability security feature for your segments.

If an email address recognised as "Bounce*" (e.g. when an automatic email is sent from a campaign) is supposed to receive a new email (via scheduled emailing) because it is part of a segment, then this email will not be sent to it.

You can therefore have a discrepancy between the number of contacts displayed in your segment and the number of scheduled emails sent to this segment.

* Bounces : Email not received because mailbox full, non-existent, email sent too large or client blocked for security reasons.

Reuse of segment criteria

You can reuse the criteria previously created for your previous campaigns in your new campaigns, using the drop-down list when you created your segment for your campaign:


What is the difference between the Segmentation Option and the Emailing Option?

The Emailing option allows you to send emails automatically and instantaneously following a user action (e.g. clicking on a button, viewing a page on the campaign) or winning a reward!

The Segmentation option, on the other hand, will give you the opportunity to programme the sending of emails to a pre-registered base of contacts (e.g. soliciting the group of people who have clicked on a "discover a product" CTA in your campaign to announce the launch of a new product, etc.).

Can I use contacts from my segments on different campaigns?

The users of a campaign are specific to that campaign, so you will not be able to merge contacts from a segment of one campaign with the same segment (similar criteria) of another campaign. You will, however, be able to go back to the old campaigns at any time and programme email launches (e.g. soliciting users from the previous campaign announcing the launch of a new game, etc.).

Should I only add optins to my segments?

Not necessarily, it will depend on the subject of your email. If your aim is to highlight a product after participation, you'll need to target optins only. On the other hand, if your email has an informative purpose, such as "Erratum" for example, all the users of the campaign concerned can be included in the segment.

Can I send a scheduled email during a campaign?

Of course you can! The Segmentation option allows you to consider all possible scenarios and not just send post-campaign emails to all the users who meet your segmentation criteria.

For example, you could very well send a reminder during the campaign to users who have not seen or taken part in a particular activity in your campaign.

How can you avoid contacting/reactivating the same person in the same segment?

In some cases, it is useful to be able to deduplicate contacts to avoid them receiving the same email a few days or weeks apart. The little trick is to add conditions to the segment, such as the "participation date" or the "number of participations".

This way you can be sure that the user will only receive one of your communications.

How do I manage my segments for multilingual campaigns?

For your multilingual campaigns, we suggest you create a segment by country/language and then adapt your emails according to the country/language targeted.

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