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Tutorial - Trivia
Updated over a week ago


Trivia is derived from the quiz and allows you to ask questions randomly: the questions may be different every day. With this game mode, the user will have to chose between 3 possible answers. The customization of these questions will allow you to highlight your brand and products.


Game design

Before setting up your campaign, you must create the necessary graphic elements.

Please check this article that will explain all the essential information for the graphic creation of your campaign: Creating your games graphics.

To learn more about the graphic specifications for Trivia, click here.

Page setup

Click "Add" in your board and select the "Trivia" module.

Add three basic pages to your campaign that you can rename: already played, lost and won.

These pages will be linked to the game module.

If you want, you can also add a teaser page and/or an end of campaign page.

Don't forget to set up your campaign settings now, by entering the campaign dates and importing the Rules and Privacy Policy.

Background image setup

Upload your Desktop Wallpaper by clicking the "+" icon in Background Image.

To learn about the background graphics specifications for this module, please refer to the "Game Design" section of this article.

You also have the option of adding a solid background color that will surround your game pages - you can leave the basic color or choose to standardize your campaign with a color that reminds the user of your brand or game pages, for example.

Game settings

You can choose whether your users will be able to play as many times as they want by enabling or disabling the 'Limited Participation' option.

If you choose 'Limited Participation' > Set the number of games per day, week, month, campaign and user > Create and configure your 'Already played' page.

If the user tries to play more than he is allowed, he will immediately get to this page.

Activate "Display randomly questions" if you want that the user does not end up each time on the same chain of questions if he plays again,

If you enable "Allow mistakes", it means that the user can give wrong answers to some questions and so his game will not stop.

If you activate "Display good answers", the correct answer will be shown to the player at the end of each question.

If you enable 'Limit the number of questions', even if you have 20 questions, you can limit them to 5 per game for example. In this case, the user will only answer 5 questions before going to the next step.

Choose to activate the chronometer to add difficulty to the game. This means that the player will have to answer as many questions as possible before the time runs out.

If you enable "Restart chronometer at each question", then the player will have the same amount of time to answer each question. The timer will reset between each question.

If you have chosen to incorporate sound into your questions, you can choose to activate the "Replay button" that will appear at the end of the played sound. This allows the player to replay the sound several times before answering the question.

Progress Bar will only appear if the user needs to listen to music. Thus, he will see how much music he has left to listen through the progress bar.

"Enable combos" will highlight the fact that the user is making a good sequence of answers.

Select “Display result page” so that users will know whether they have won or not. To learn more about each type of result, click here.

Readjust the number of pages Won, Lost and Already played accordingly.

Game Content

You can either import your CSV if you have a lot of questions to import. For that, download the CSV template and fill it with your questions and answers.

Then export it in CSV separated by "semicolon" and encoded in UTF-16 !

Otherwise, if you have a small number of questions, add them directly into the platform without going through the CSV file.

To do this, click on "+ Add a question" and then go to the tab of the question to fill out its title and answers.

You have the choice between two types of questions: text or music ("Blind Test"). If you chose music then import the desired sound in .mp3 format. It must not be more than 10MB maximum. The heavier the sound, the more likely it is to load for the user.

Do not forget to check for each question the correct answer.

You can customize the font, size, color and location of the questions and answers.

Select "Automatic resize" so that depending on the questions and answers more or less long, the assets of the module adapt.

If you chose the music mode, then import the progress bar and the background of the progress bar.

Customizing the appearance

You can also choose to import the visual of the 4 boxes background where the answers are displayed. To do this, import the background visual for the normal box, for the box when you hover and the box when you click.

If you do not want to import visuals then choose the color of the background and the outline of the box. By clicking on "Advanced Options", you can go further in the details of the customization of the boxes.

Mobile setup

Once your Desktop Campaign is set up, you need to switch to Mobile view to import the dedicated background and to format your different pages for that support.

To import Mobile backgrounds, follow the same procedure as for Desktop background.

Campaign launch and test

Once the desktop and mobile versions have been finalized, you can publish the campaign.

Don't forget to check your campaign.

Other options available for this module

Examples of Trivia campaigns

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