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Tutorial - Ranking module 🥇
Updated over 5 months ago


The Ranking page allows you to display each user's ranking according to their score in one or more game modules. The Ranking page is displayed at the end of the route, after one or more scoring games.

Page setup

  • Open the editor

  • Select a template et click on "Use this template"

  • Once the campaign has been created, click on “Add”

  • Select the Ranking module

Make sure the Ranking page is added behind a scoring game page, as this module will be linked to the scoring game.


Here is a summary of the dimensions for this module:

Background image setup

Upload your desktop background image by clicking on the '+' icon under 'Background Image'. To find out the graphic specifications for this module's background image, please check the article "Creating your games graphics". You can also add a solid background color to surround your game page - you can leave the default color or standardize your campaign with a color that evokes (for instance) your brand or your game pages.

Module settings

  • Game page: select the game for which you want to display the player rankings. For example, if you wish to have a ranking for a Megajump, select "Megajump" on the game page. If you select "All", the score will be the best score obtained from all the games in the campaign.

  • Filters: you can choose from several score display filters : global (the entire campaign), day, week, month, shop (only if activated on the campaign's entry form). These filters will only display the best score for the selection you made. If you have a multilingual campaign, the ranking that will be visible will be common to all languages (e.g. a player from the French version will appear with a player from the English version).

    ⚠️ If you have a multilingual campaign, the ranking that will be visible will be common to all languages (e.g. a player from the French version will be able to appear with a player from the English version).

  • Show cumulated scores: this setting is only available when "Game Page" is set to "All", and allows you to cumulate the "Best Scores" of all the games in the campaign.
    ⚠️ cela ne permet pas de cumuler des scores d'un même jeu !

✍️ In the event of a tie: the first user to reach this score, regardless of their initial entry date, will be deemed the winner.

Customizing the appearance

Display type: choose the type of display, which corresponds to the name that will be visible on the Ranking: you can choose to display the user's Facebook or Form data.

If you added a "Facebook connect" at the beginning of your game, you can select 'Complete Facebook' or 'Short Facebook'. If, on the other hand, you do not want 'Facebook connect', you can choose between "Complete Form", "Reduced Form" and "Surname Form" If you choose 'Complete Form', the Ranking page will display the first and last name written in the player's form.

You can also customize the borders colors, as well as the size, color and fonts for your texts. Please note that choosing "Texts size : large" will expand the ranking on the full width of the page.

Mobile setup

Once your desktop campaign has been set up, you must switch to Mobile view in order to import the dedicated backgrounds and format your pages for this device. To import the Mobile background images, follow the same procedure as for the Desktop background images. The mobile background image must be in.jpeg or.png format. The dimensions will be 640px * free height depending on the screens and content to display.

Other settings available for this module

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