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Tutorial - Quiz (Questions module)
Updated over a week ago


The Questions module is an all-in-one mechanism allowing you to launch three different game modes: Quiz, Survey & Personality Test. This article focuses on the explanation of the "Quiz" mode: it allows you to challenge your users on their knowledge and can also serve to collect additional data, in order to strengthen the qualification of your prospects & customers without burdening your campaign's registration form.

Users will be invited to answer one or more questions. The configuration options of the "Quiz" mode will allow you to create many variations according to your goals & target; for example: a new question every day, a correct answer required to access an Instant Win, a minimum number of points to reach, several questions on the same page, highlighting the right answers, explanatory texts, etc).

In addition, this game mode is particularly effective in maximizing the generation of traffic on your site, by adding a "tip" button under the question, redirecting to a content on your site revealing the expected answer. Thus, a user wishing to try to win will be strongly encouraged to visit your site.


Game Design

Before setting up your campaign, you will need to create the different graphic elements needed.

Please check this article that will explain all the essential information for the graphic creation of your campaign: Creating your games graphics.

To create specific Quiz elements, please read this manual:

Now it's time to set up your campaign!

Page setup

First, click on New campaign then select the module Question (which will then be used in game mode "Quiz" as part of this tutorial).

You will reach the campaign editor, where you will find the mechanism's 6 pages: Home (optional); Form; Question 1, Question 2, Question 3 and Results.

If you want, you can also add a teaser page and/or an end of campaign page.

Don't forget to set up your campaign settings now, by entering the campaign dates and importing the Rules and Privacy Policy.

Background image setup

Upload your desktop background image by clicking on the "+" icon in 'Background picture'.

To learn about the graphics specifications of the background image for this module, please refer to the "Game Design" section of this article.

You also have the option of adding a single background color that will surround your game pages - you can leave the basic color or choose to standardize your campaign with a color that reminds the users of your brand or game pages, for example.

Game Settings

Limited Participation: Set whether users can play without limit on your campaign, or enable this option and choose the number of entries per day, week, month or campaign and per user, then create and select your Already Played page. If the user tries to replay, he will go directly to this page.

Game Mode : this module has three different game modes, in this case, select "Quiz" before moving forward to any other setting.

Add a chronometer: Set a time that will be given to your users to answer each Question. The chosen duration will be specific to each page "Question" and this, whatever the number of questions on this same page.

First question: activate this option on the first page of your Quiz to start counting the score of each page. This action is to be done on each first page only if you have several Quizzes on the same campaign (ex: a Calendar with different Quizzes behind several boxes).

Display result page : Activate this option on the page from which you want to trigger the display of the result page, usually on the last page.


- if you wish to show a result after a series of 5 quiz pages, the option will only have to be activated on the 5th and last "Question" page. In this specific case, make sure to not activate the option "Score by page" :

- if you want to launch a quiz as a daily contest (= a different question every day - see details below), the option will have to be activated on each of your different Quiz pages (so that after each daily question, and depending on their answer, the user accesses their result).

If you want to know more about the kind of results we offer, please check this article: Result page

Result page : select the page of your campaign that will display the user's end result - you can for example have a Basic page with a score variable, a generic message or even a Ranking module (in the latter case, do not forget to trigger the parameter "Show cumulated scores" to get the overall result of all the pages).

Example of setup for the "Display result page" option:

Module Contents

Title of the question: Write here the question of your Quiz page. Note that you can, if desired, add several questions on the same page (we recommend, however the setting of a Question/page so as not to overload your screens).

Type of answer: you have the choice between 4 options but note that you can add multiple questions that have a different type of answer on the same page.

Only one answer: Only a single answer will be considered correct among all the proposals.

Multiple answers: equivalent of the MCQ mode, multiple answers are considered correct among all the proposals.

Free field: the user formulates his answer freely, via a dedicated field. Note: If you use this field to check knowledge (and not just collect a verbatim/customer opinion), you can enter the expected word (s) in the "expected answers" field by separating them with ";".

Dropdown list: You can display the response proposals via a drop down list so that the user chooses an option from the list. This is particularly useful when you have many options that come up for a single Question.

Highlighting answers : once the user has validated his/her answers on a given page, you can choose to show them the correct proposals. A small checkbox is displayed next to these, and a "continue" button (which you can customize by uploading a visual) appears automatically to allow them to move to the next step when desired.

Note: This option is only available for the "one response" and "multiple response" response types.

The checkbox color is fully customizable :

Enable explanatory text : you can enable this option to also display an explanatory text about the proposal(s) that were correct, once the user has validated his/her answers on a given page. This allows you to provide additional information about your brand, your services and products. A "continue" button (which you can customize with the upload of a visual) appears automatically to allow them to go to the next step when desired.

Answer "X": write here the first proposal of answer to your Question, it will appear automatically in the editor. You can add as many as you want.

Answer in image: you can choose to replace a written response with a visual that the user will be able to click. This customization is very useful for enhancing the visibility of your products, for example. Note: the bullet with the title of the proposal/image remains visible (the user can click on the image or the bullet, the result will be the same).

Number of points: you can choose to assign points to each proposal (whole numbers only, positive or negative, decimal digits are not accepted). Note: it is not the weighting of the propositions that defines them as right/correct (cf. "correct answer" setting that follows).

Note: the negative points will be debited from the player's score.

- if their final score is positive, it will be displayed as: 5 points + (-2) points = 3 points

- if their final score is negative, it will be displayed as nil: 3 points + (-5) points = 0 points (not "-2 points").

Good answer: activate this toggle on all the answers you consider to be right (no matter how many points they bring).

Edit the error message: you will find this text field at the bottom. Customize the text that appears only if the user tries to move to the next question/step, without selecting any answer (remember to highlight its color to contrast it to the text of your questions/answers).

Frame color during selection: only available if the "Answer in image" option has been configured. This setting allows you to choose the color of the frame that will surround the image selected by the participant.

Text customization

Click on the text fields you have configured (question title and suggested answers) to display the "Text customization" option in the editor.

You will then have the possibility to modify the following settings:

  • Font type: 6 fonts are available as standard, but you can also import fonts in WOFF format by clicking on "Add a font".

  • Font size

  • Spacing

  • Alignment

  • Bold

  • Italic

  • Underlined

  • Resetting the text field style

Mobile setup

Once your desktop Campaign is set up, you need to switch to the Mobile view to import the dedicated background images and format your pages for this device.

Mobile 640px

To import Mobile background images, follow the same procedure as for Desktop background images.

Campaign launch and Test

Once the desktop and mobile versions have been finalized, you can publish the campaign. Don't forget to check your campaign.

Other options available for this module

Quiz campaigns examples

Check out few examples of Quiz campaigns below and in our " Inspiration" area

Lidl Voyages maximizes the generation of traffic to its current destination offers via a Quiz asking specific questions about them. The user is thus prompted to click on a prompt button redirecting them to the corresponding offer on to find the answer on the site.

Shiseido improves their Quiz by linking it to a video of a famous person speaking about their beautiful universe: the user is invited to watch the video and give their opinion through an open response field in the Quiz mode.

Laguiole Attitude scripts the highlights of the Wine Fair via an image quiz: the visuals of the proposed answers take the shape of the major wine regions of France. The user is asked to click on the correct region/image.

Groupe SEB uses the Quiz to qualify its customers as part of a Cookeo campaign. The user, via drop-down lists, is invited to select whether or not they own the food processor and, if applicable, its model.

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