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Tutorial - Pinata
Updated over a week ago


Pinata's gameplay is very simple. This is a fully customizable instant-win game where players must repeatedly tap an object to find out if they have won. Users are invited to fill out a form, tap the object, and instantly find out their score. With a bit of customization, you will be able to immerse users in your brand's universe.


Game Design

Before setting up your campaign, you must create the necessary graphic elements.

To start, please visit this page, where you will find all the information you need to create the graphics for your campaign: Creating your games graphics.

You can download all the elements for your module (standard size) in this pack including a graphic manual + 1 PSD file with standard dimensions:

Now it's time to set up your campaign!

Page setup

First of all, click on New Campaign then select the Pinata mechanism.

You will reach the campaign editor, where you will find the mechanism's 6 pages: Home (optional); Form; Pinata; and the 'Won', 'Lost' and ' Already Played' Pages.

If you want, you can also add a teaser page and/or an end of campaign page.

Don't forget to set up your campaign settings now, by entering the campaign dates and importing the Rules and Privacy Policy.

Background image setup

Upload your desktop background image by clicking on the "+" icon in 'Background picture'.

To learn about the graphics specifications of the background image for this module, please refer to the "Game Design" section of this article.

You also have the option of adding a single background color that will surround your game pages - you can leave the basic color or choose to standardize your campaign with a color that reminds the users of your brand or game pages, for example.

Game Settings

Number of participation: set the number of participation per day, week, month, campaign or per user, then create and select your 'Already Played' page. If the users try to play again, they will be redirected to this page. We recommend to set up this parameter for 1 participation/day, in order to encourage the users to come back regularly on your campaign.

Winners uniqueness: this option allows you to choose the number of rewards that can potentially be won by the same user on your campaign, via the winning moment(s) it contains. See our dedicated article for more information.

Result Pages: set your 'Won' and 'Lost' pages: they will be displayed once the visual has been clicked enough, and the page displayed will be depending if a reward has been distributed or not.

Number of shots: Select the number of times the user will have to hit the Pinata in order to display the 'Win' or 'Lost' page. For example, if you choose 3 hits, this means your users will have to tap the Pinata three times to open it and find out what is inside.

Type of shot: You can choose from these 3 options:

  • Click

  • Hover

  • Click and hover

Rope position: Choose whether the rope will be placed at the top of the Pinata or cross your image from top to bottom (the Pinata will be 'hooked' in the middle of this rope). You can also choose not to have a rope.

Customizing the appearance

Customize Pinata visuals: Add the visual elements that will appear successively with each click on your Pinata: this can convey the idea, for instance, that your Pinata is being gradually destroyed (see our video below). You can also choose to use only two visual elements, one with the original image and the other with the end-of-game image.

Game background visual: Import the game background of your Pinata.

Cursor visual: If you want, you can upload an image to customize the look of the cursor that appears when the user clicks on the Pinata to reveal its contents (for instance, a 'broom' for a Halloween-themed Pinata).

Display the rewards visuals if won: If you activate this option and have several rewards available for this instant-win game, the visual element corresponding to the rewrd that has been won will be displayed on the screen.

Losing visual: This visual element will appear with the last click if the user did not win any prize.

Shaking intensity: modulate the intensity of the Pinata's shaking in order to match the movement of the Pinata with your visual

Particle type: Choose and customize the type of particles that will 'fly away' from the Pinata as it is gradually 'destroyed', as well as their colors or visual elements:

- If you choose 'color', small dots with the chosen color will appear. Click on '+' to select it. To remove it, hover over the particle and you will see an 'x' on a red background.

- If you choose 'texture', simply upload one or more images that will appear when the pinata is destroyed.

Rope type: You can choose from the following 3 options (if the "rope" option has been activated in the module settings) :

  • Chain

  • Line

  • Fabric

You can also choose the color of the rope and customize the loading bar by clicking on 'Advanced option'.

Example with 5 successive Pinata visuals, a "keyboard" visual for the cursor and an installation of particles in the form of keyboard keys as "texture":

Editing and preview settings

By clicking on the game area in the editor, you will be able to access the game preview as well as the edition of the game dimensions (to best integrate your game in a mobile application).

Rewards setup

The Pinata module requires a standard setup of rewards.

If you have not yet set up rewards for your campaign, follow this link: Adding rewards

Mobile setup

Once your desktop Campaign is set up, you need to switch to the Mobile view to import the dedicated background images and format your pages for this device.

To import Mobile background images, follow the same procedure as for Desktop background images.

Please note that you don't need to create a mobile background for a Pinata as it's the game background that will fill the entire screen, but croped at 60% on the sides.

Campaign launch and test

Once the desktop and mobile versions have been finalized, you can publish the campaign.

Don't forget to check your campaign.

Other options available for this module

Pinata campaign examples

Check out few examples of Pinata campaigns below and in our " Inspiration" area

Danao highlights its new pumpkin flavor on Halloween: the user must tap on the bottle with a broom. With each click, the particles are displayed as the various fruits contained in the drink.

DELSEY revisits the famous 'crackers' to illustrate its Christmas campaign's instant-win pinata. The particles produced with each click are displayed as confetti.

Président displays a range of processed cheese products for the winter season with an ice cube-shaped pinata which a bear must break in order to warm up. Ice particles are displayed with each click.

McDonald's celebrates the 50th anniversary of its Big Mac with a hamburger-shaped pinata. The particles are displayed as crumbs.

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