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How to set up a webhook
Updated over a year ago

A webhook is an URL call system to provide other applications with information related to different events within a game campaign or the Adictiz Box platform.

Find them in the section My Account > My Webhooks.

For each webhook, data is sent to the URL via the POST method.

The data is sent in JSON format in the request's body.

Output IPs :

  • (To be deleted from January 2024)

  • (To be deleted from January 2024)




Please note: our exit IPs from the Adictiz Box platform will be gradually switched over between now and the end of 2023 and the following 2 IPs will be removed from your whitelist (from 1 January 2024):



"FormSubscribe" event: Form submission

The data is sent when submitting a form in an Adictiz Box campaign.

In case you have a campaign with multiple forms, webhooks are submitted to each form validation and the data is accumulated. The data returned is as follows:

"timestamp":1539704351, // Date d'envoi
"request_id":"sb4dk8nyiwf", // Identifiant unique de requête
"event_type":"FormSubscribe", // Nom de l’événement
"user_id":"", // Identifiant unique de l'utilisateur (unique par campagne)
"utm_medium": "",
"utm_campaign": "",
"utm_content": "",
"utm_term": "",
"device": "",
"operation_id":"5bc605e34be94bb251285bb7", // Identifiant unique de l'opération
"operation_name":"", // Nom de la campagne
"custom_1": "",
"custom_2": "",
"custom_3": "",
"custom_4": "",
"custom_5": "",
"custom_6": "",
"custom_7": "",
"custom_8": "",
"custom_9": "",
"custom_10": ""

"Instant Win" Event: Reward assigned via an Instant Win

Data are sent when a user win a reward via an Instant Win module in any of your live Adictiz Box campaign.
You can find a JSON object example below :

"timestamp": 1465826338,
"request_id": "575ebc220c0080.14860437",
"event_type": "InstantWin",
"data": {
"prize_id": "", // Reward ID
"prize_type": "", // Reward type : normal, ifg (ifeelgoods), code
"prize_name": "", // Reward name
"prize_description": "", // Description
"prize_picture": "", // Picture URL
"prize_value": "", // Reward price
"user_id": "", // User unique ID (unicity is managed by campaign)
"distributionDate": "", // Availability date of the reward
"gainDate": "", // Winning date of the reward
"data": "" // Additional data that can vary depending on the reward type (ifeelgoods, URL, code etc..)

"OperationCreate" event: New campaign created

Data are sent when a new campaign is created in the platform.
You can find a JSON object example below :

"timestamp": 1465826098,
"request_id": "575ebb3299fd79.10666580",
"event_type": "OperationCreate",
"data": {
"operation_id": "", // Campaign unique ID
"name": "", // Campaign name
"timestamp_start": "", // Start date of the campaign
"timestamp_end": "", // End date of the campaign
"time_zone": "", // Time zone of the campaign, ex : "Europe/Brussels"
"default_locale": "" // Default language of the campaign, ex : en_US

"GameParticipation" Event: New game participation

Data are sent when a new participation occurred in any of your live Adictiz Box campaign.
You can find a JSON object example below :

// UserContent
"timestamp": 1494595353,
"request_id": "5915b7190b0e77.68487088",
"event_type": "GameParticipation",
"data": {
"operationId": "57cd7dca2c1d86087e62aff3",
"pageType": "videoUpload",
"userId": "57cd7dca2c1d86087e62aff3",
"gameParticipationType": "UserContent",
"gameData": {
"mediacontest_id": {
"$id": "5915b718b7746826007b23c6"
"datetime": "2017-05-12 13:22:33",
"timestamp": 1494595353

The GameData node can vary depending on the associated module :

// UserGame
"timestamp": 1494595169,
"request_id": "5915b661d911e3.84560538",
"event_type": "GameParticipation",
"data": {
"operationId": "57cd7dca2c1d86087e62aff3",
"pageType": "flappy",
"userId": "57cd7dca2c1d86087e62aff3",
"gameParticipationType": "UserGame",
"gameData": {
"date": "2017-05-12 13:19:29",
"datetime": 1494595169,
"score": 0,
"score_type": "pts",
"duration": 2,
"status": false,
"data": null

"SSOConnection" Event: SSO connection success

Data are sent when a user signs up or logs in using a SSO connector. The JSON object contains the API node data and the partnerUserID.
You can find a JSON object example below :

"timestamp": 1494835857,
"request_id": "59196291d19038.71379665",
"event_type": "SSOConnexion",
"operationId": "584927903a1d0ee1db44544b",
"userId": "584927903a1d0ee1db44544b",
"partnerId": "xxx", // Unique Partner User ID
// API node data
"firstname": "Marc",
"lastname": "Assin",
"email": "[email protected]",
"rules": 1

"JWTConnection" Event : JWT connection success

Data are sent when a user logs in using a JWT token. The JSON object contains the API node data and the partnerUserID.
You can find a JSON object example below :

"operation_name":"Grand Jeu"

"MediaGalleryModerated" Event: Media Moderation

This is the data sent during the moderation of a media. You can find a JSON object example below :

"email":"[email protected]",

"EmailShare" Event : Sending sharing emails

This is the data sent when sharing by email to one or more users.

You can find a JSON object example below :

"" // Destinataires
"operation_id":"", // Unique name of the campaign
"operation_name":"" // Campaign name

"QuestionParticipation" Event : Participation in a Quiz module

This is the data sent when a user participates in a quiz game. Each request matches a question from the Quiz. If the Quiz has 3 questions, then 3 separate events will be returned. You can find a JSON object example below :

"label_question":"Question 1",
"label":"Réponse 1"

"Transactions" Event

This is the data sent during a transaction detected by the conversion pixel installed on your e-commerce site. The data returned are as follows:

"timestamp: 1465826098, // Date of sending of the event
"request_id": "575ebb3299fd7910666580", // Unique event identifier
"event_type": "Transaction", // Name of the event
"data": {
"operation_id": "", // Unique campaign identifier
"name": "", // Name of the campaign
"user_id": "", // User's unique identifier
"command_date": "", // Date and time of the transaction
"command_number": "", // Transaction number
"command_amount": "", // Transaction amount
"command_currency": "" // Currency of the transaction

"FileUpload" Event

This is the data sent when a user uploads media to a campaign. Each request corresponds to a media. The data returned are the following:

“timestamp”: 1632148759,
“request_id”: “d97dapgzie”,
“event_type”: “FileUpload”,
“data”: {
“user_id”: “6148982a30b1ba64f53184ef”,
“upload_id”: “61489d15d9661b0460601047_61489d17d19bbe4269235aa0",
“upload_type”: “image/png”,
“upload_name”: “61489d15c3f088.29722501.png”,
“upload_url”: “”,
“upload_date”: “2021-09-20 14:39:17",
“operation_id”: “614896c3c9eae0424276a116",
“operation_name”: “Campagne vierge”,
“upload_description”: “description”,
“upload_short_description”: “short description”

Once you have created the reminder URL, you can add it to your Adictiz Box account:

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