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Create metadata for your campaign
Create metadata for your campaign
Simon Dubreucq avatar
Written by Simon Dubreucq
Updated over a week ago


Metadata is data used to briefly describe your game campaign when sharing the URL link on any social network (Facebook, Linkedin,...). It is therefore an important step in the configuration of your campaign: the customization of metadata will help improve its performance in terms of virality, by encouraging users to register more strongly to your game from these shared posts branded with your image. This sharing data consists of a visual, a title and a description.

Example of metadata visualization (with the Adictiz domain

sur Facebook

sur Linkedin

Installing metadata from the editor

To create your metadata, you must follow these few steps when you are in Adictiz Box:

  • Go to the editor and open the campaign settings

  • Access the "Advanced Settings" section

  • Edit the "campaign visual" with an image reminiscent of your game campaign - feel free to highlight its title, the dates of participation and incidentally the rewards to be won.

  • Edit the "Title", preferably using the name of your campaign

  • Edit the "Description" by highlighting the rewards to be won, or even the principle of the game.

  • Save the changes made and publish the campaign so that they are taken into account on the game URL.

Example of metadata installation:

Metadata installation

When the user shares your campaign link on social networks, the metadata will automatically be retrieved and displayed in the post.

Frequently asked questions

Why doesn't my image show up on Whatsapp?

If your image does not show up in the preview thumbnail in WhatsApp, it is because the image file size is too large. Facebook supports the display of images up to 8 MB. WhatsApp, on the other hand, usually displays previews for images up to 300KB. If your image file is larger than 300KB, try to reduce its size by adjusting its dimensions or compressing it.

Why don't I see the changes to my metadata?

Check that all the information has been indicated in the advanced settings and publish the campaign again.

Social networks use a "cache" system that keeps track of the latest information about a URL link to allow for a faster display the next time it is shared. In some cases, this prevents new and updated data from being brought up.

To fix this, you need to go through a share debugging tool that will update the latest metadata for your link. Here are the direct links:

If this doesn't help, you can always opt for the quicker solution of changing your campaign URL to generate a new share link.

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