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Prioritize the distribution of rewards
Prioritize the distribution of rewards
Simon Dubreucq avatar
Written by Simon Dubreucq
Updated over a week ago


When you generate rewards in the editor, the availability dates are automatically set to the selected period. However, it may happen that several rewards are available at a given time but you want to distribute them in a different order than the chronological order.

The distribution priority option is used for this. There are 3 levels of priority which allows you to adapt the order of distribution according to your needs. Let's take 2 concrete cases:

Case n°1

You are creating an Instant Win game with a laptop to be won each day, and discount vouchers as a consolation reward.

You therefore want that when one or more discount vouchers and a laptop are available to be won at the same time, the laptop will be given priority over the discount vouchers.

In this case, the vouchers must be set up for the entire game period and no priority must be set:

Then, you have to set up the laptop for the entire game period but you must also activate 2 options:

  • Distribute evenly each day

  • Priority = n°1

Case n°2

You are creating a 100% winning campaign for your customers with the following rewards:

  • 10 * €100 gift cards (no minimum)

  • 50 * €50 gift cards (no minimum)

  • 1000 * €10 gift cards (for a €20 purchase)

  • Free delivery (unlimited quantity --> this is your consolation rewarrd)

If a participant plays at a time when he/she is eligible for several rewards, you can easily prioritise the awarding of certain rewards over others.

For example, you can set up the rewards for the entire game period and activate the priority distribution option as follows:

  • 100€ gift cards: priority n°1

  • 50 gift cards: priority 2

  • 10 gift cards: priority 3

  • Free delivery: no priority

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